Saturday, April 25, 2009

New Digs

Last Friday, the 17th, I moved back to Las Vegas. This time I'm not living with BJ, but I do live only about 10 miles from him so I'm pretty excited and still get to see him quite often. He was such a huge help with getting a lot of the big stuff up the stairs and into my new condo! I don't own it, I'm renting a very nice 2 bedroom 2 bathroom condo with my best friend since the 6th grade, TorriLyn! I love it! We have so much fun together, even if most of the fun doesn't start until later in the night when most people are asleep! Here are a few pictures of the new place!

This is of my room, I haven't quite finished unpacking and putting stuff away, but hopefully soon!
My bathroom! Notice how I have 2 whole sinks all to myself!!1
BJ got creative when he took this picture! It's of the clubhouse.

This is my building we live on the top with the satellite dish that we don't have hooked up!

Obviously the kitchen, it's not huge, but if you know Torri and me, we don't cook too much anyways! There is also a little pantry that you can't see next to the fridge.
Our pool. There are also 2 hot tubs. I have already tried them out! Monday it was super hot here and BJ had the day off so he and the Martins came for a swim while Torri was at work.
I'm not really sure why we need a fireplace... but it came with the condo, so now you get to see it!
BJ thought it would be funny if I held a hammer so it looked like I was working on stuff, but really... I wasn't. Shocker, the picture looks sooo authentic I know!
Torri got us a great deal on a very nice, big, sectional couch. Complete with pull out queen bed, so if anyone wants to come visit, we have a bed for you!!


  1. You have a blog, yes!!!!!! How cool your living in town! We will get together soon!

  2. nice place, jamie! i wish we were coming to visit!

  3. Oh my gosh I love it!!!! I can't wait to visit you sometime soon!!!
