Monday afternoon, I went to my regular doctor visit before my doctor left for a weeks vacation. At the appointment, the doctor informed me I was 3 cm dilated, had high blood pressure, and since I was 40 weeks he would just prefer to schedule me to have the baby that night.
We checked in about 8, and headed to our room. Not quite as nice as a hotel, but not bad.
Rudy decided to try out my bed
This is where I spent the next 12 hours. After being hooked up to the monitors, we found out I was rapidly contracting, so they couldn't start the pitocin. About 11 they decided to break my water and 9 hours later he was born - on his scheduled due date.
Jonathan Rodolfo Garcia made his entrance into the world at 8:20 AM September 13 2011. He weighed in at 7lbs 12oz, 21 inches and has a full head of hair.
Skyping with Abuelita (grandma) Garcia since she couldn't be there.
Grandma Norton came for a visit
Great grandma Norton wanted to see pictures of his little toes
Uncle BJ finally (who selflessly spent many hours with Jamie and Rudy the night before in the hospital -ed.) came for a visit.
Our new family photo!